Anything you wanna return we will refund as long as it's still useable, you pay for the shipping.
We try to offer you the cheapest shipping options possible.
Unfortunately, this may happen from time to time, Avulsed Games is not responsible for lost or stolen packages or packages damaged in transit.
If you see major damage to your package or any other issues with delivery, please take a picture of your package before opening it and send it to If you believe your package is lost or stolen, please contact us as soon as possible with your order number and tracking number (please be prepared to provide an alternative and secure address if a second delivery attempt is necessary).
Contact us as soon as possible with your order number and correct shipping address at Please note that if you have already received your shipping confirmation, and your order has been shipped, it may not be possible for us to intercept the package.
For your own security we are very sceptical on address change requests, please ensure thtat you use the correct address at checkout time. If you despreratly need the address to be changed, be prepared to answer some proof of identity questions, and contact us as soon as possible with your order number as well as correct shipping address at, we reserve the right to confirm your identity. Please note that if you have already received your shipping confirmation, and your order has been shipped, it may not be possible for us to intercept the package.